搜索 Amal

  • An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.
  • 人类的位置HD
    Set in ?lesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy.  Asta is a journalist in ?le…
  • 汉纳斯HD
    19-year-old Moritz and Hannes have been best friends ever since they were kids. Everything changes the day Hannes is the victim of a motorcycle accident and falls into a coma. Moritz is convinced that his friend will wake up soon.
  • 萨巴亚影院HD
  • 黑麦巷HD
    Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best friend.  Nursing her own breakup wou…
  • 鬼来了HD
    Aliff's unforgettable birthday celebration trip in an abandoned house previously occupied by Japanese Military.
  • La caídaHD
    来自屡获殊荣的Lucía Puenzo的《潜水》,由卡拉·索萨主演,在这个故事中戏剧性的表演,讲述了在一个将胜利定义为终极梦想的背景下,关系的复杂性
  • 帕达HD
  •   该剧由拉米·尤素夫打造并主演,探索在信奉“生命是道德的考验”的宗教团体和怀疑来生是否存在的千禧一代之间进退两难的感觉是什么。                                         &nb…
  • 在城市废墟寻找食物和庇护所,游荡了多年后,两兄妹找到了最后剩下的一幢建筑。在里面,有个怪人提出了一个危险的提议,以换取外部世界的生存。各种被击穿,看到浑身颤抖。生的欲望,幻觉中的天堂,幻觉中的末世。南美嗑-系电影,估计是这两年来最能引起不适的电影。